Important: The status of the COVID-19 crisis constantly changes. The information in this resource is updated frequently.

Difference between revisions of "Navigating COVID-19: A Legal Guide For California Employers"

From Navigating COVID-19

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[[The State of the COVID-19 Crisis in California]]
* [[The State of the COVID-19 Crisis in California]]
[[A Word About Sullivan On Comp]]
* [[About this Guide for California Employers]]
[[About the Authors]]
* [[A Word About Sullivan on Comp]]
[[Webinars and Resources]]
* [[About the Authors]]  
* [[Webinars and Resources]]
Employment and Labor Introduction
==Employment and Labor Law==
Stay Home unless you are an Essential Business
* [[Employment and Labor Introduction]]
State and Local Workplace Safety Orders
* [[State and Local Workplace Safety Orders]]
California Executive Order
* [[Federal Health and Safety Orders — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidance]]
City and County Health and Safety Orders
* [[FAQs — Health and Safety]]
Amended and Expanded City and County Health and Safety Orders
* [[Leave — Family and Medical Leave Act & California Family Rights Act]]
Federal Health and Safety Orders: Center for Disease Control Guidance
* [[FAQs — Family and Medical Leave Act & California Family Rights Act]]
Employer Frequently Asked Questions
* [[Families First Coronavirus Response Act]]
Leave Under Family Medical Leave Act and California Families Right Act
* [[Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act]]
FMLA/CFRA Frequently Asked Questions
* [[Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act]]
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
* [[FAQs — Families First Coronavirus Response Act]]
Emergency Paid Sick Leave
* [[How Families First Coronavirus Response Act Interacts with Family and Medical Leave Act & California Family Rights Act]]
Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion
* [[State, County, and City Orders Applicable to Large Employers]]
FFCRA Frequently Asked Questions
* [[Disability and Reasonable Accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act & the Fair Employment and Housing Act]]
Interaction of FFCRA with FMLA/CFRA
* [[FAQs — Disability and Reasonable Accommodations]]
City and County Orders Applicable to Large Employers
* [[Federal Action Including the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act]]
Disability and Reasonable Accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act
* [[Enhanced Unemployment]]
Disability and reasonable Accommodations Frequently Asked Questions
* [[Paycheck Protection Program]]
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES)
* [[Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loans & Emergency Economic Injury Grants]]
Enhanced Unemployment
* [[California Resources — Unemployment and Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave, Paid Sick Leave]]
Paycheck Protection Program
* [[California Enacts New Supplemental Sick Leave Mandate Effective March 19, 2021]] <span style="color:#f00; font-weight:bold;">- EXPIRED, NO LONGER IN EFFECT</span>
Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Emergency Economic Injury Grants
* [[Federal and California Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Acts]]
Employee Retention Credit
* [[Teleworking in Response to the Pandemic]]
Funding for Short Term Compensation Programs
* [[Return-to-Work Considerations]]
California Resources – Unemployment and Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave
* [[FAQs — Return-To-Work Considerations]]
Cal-WARN Act
* [[Employer Response to COVID-19 in the Workplace]]
Federal WARN Act
* [[Contact-Tracing Investigations]]
* [[FAQs — Contact-Tracing Investigations]]
[[The COVID-19 Effect on Immigration]]
* [[CAL/OSHA Imposes COVID-19 Safety Regulations on Businesses]]
* [[FAQs — Cal/OSHA Safety Regulations]]
[[When is COVID-19 Work Related?]]
* [[CAL/OSHA Imposes New Notice and Reporting Obligations for COVID-19 Workplace Exposure]]  
[[The Basic Rule: Increased Risk Compared to the General Public]]
* [[Summer 2021 –– OSHA Updates Guidance on Protecting Workers in Health Care and Other Industries]]
[[Non-Industrial COVID-19 Aggravates an Industrial Condition]]
* [[OSHA ETS Requirements]] <span style="color:#f00; font-weight:bold;">- WITHDRAWN BY OSHA ON JAN. 26, 2022, NOT IN EFFECT</span>
[[Industrial COVID-19 Aggravates Nonindustrial Conditions]]
* [[Cal/OSHA Readopts and Updates the Emergency Temporary Standards and the California Department of Public Health Issues New Isolation and Quarantine Guidance]] <span style="color:#f00; font-weight:bold;">- PORTIONS NO LONGER IN EFFECT, REPLACED BY THIRD READOPTION OF THE ETS</span>
[[Injuries at Home or Due to the Home Office]]
*[[Cal/OSHA Approves the Third Revision of the Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS)]]  
[[Psychiatric Injuries Caused by COVID-19]]
*[[OSHA Requirements — Recording and Reporting COVID-19]]  
[[Defenses to Psychological Claims]]
*[[California Passes a New Version of Supplemental Paid Sick Leave]]  
[[Psychiatric Impairment Arising from COVID-19]]
*[[COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Extended Through Dec. 31, 2022]]
[[When Must a Claim Form Be Provided?]]
*[[San Francisco Adopts Public Health Emergency Leave Ordinance]]
[[When Should a Claim Form Be Provided?]]
*[[COVID-19 AB 685 Employee Notice Requirements Updated and Extended Until 2024]]
[[Effect on Statute of Limitations]]
*[[Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Nonemergency Standards]]
[[Provision of Benefits and Investigation without a Claim Form]]
* [[Appendix — Web Links For Local Safety Orders]]
[[Court Appearances]]
==Workers' Compensation Law==
[[Remote Depositions]]
* [[When Is COVID-19 Work Related?]]
[[Remote Medical Treatment Examinations and Medical-Legal Appointments]]
* [[COVID-19 Presumptions]] <span style="color:#f00; font-weight:bold;">- REPEALED EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 2024</span>
[[Payment of Temporary Disability]]
* [[COVID-19 Presumptions — FAQs]] <span style="color:#f00; font-weight:bold;">- REPEALED EFFECTIVE JAN. 1, 2024</span>
* [[COVID-19 and the Exclusive Remedy Rule]]
* [[The Basic Rule — Increased Risk and the General Public]]
* [[Nonindustrial COVID-19 Aggravates an Industrial Condition]]
* [[Industrial COVID-19 Aggravates Nonindustrial Conditions]]
* [[Injuries from Vaccinations]]
* [[Injuries at Home or Due to the Home Office]]
* [[Psychiatric Injuries Caused by COVID-19]]
* [[Defenses to Psychological Claims]]
* [[Psychiatric Impairment Arising from COVID-19]]
* [[When Must a Claim Form Be Provided?]]
* [[When Should a Claim Form Be Provided?]]
* [[Effect on Statute of Limitations]]
* [[Provision of Benefits and Investigation Without a Claim Form]]
* [[Court Appearances]]
* [[Remote Depositions]]
* [[Remote Medical Treatment Examinations & Medical-Legal Appointments]]
* [[Payment of Temporary Disability]]

Latest revision as of 22:48, 13 January 2024


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